How to input mobile numbers in Google Sheet?

Adding phone numbers to your store locator is a great way to make it easier for customers to connect with you. This article will walk you through how to display your mobile numbers correctly on the Google Sheet.

Open the Store Locator Sheet

To start editing your Google Sheet, go to your dashboard and click on Stores > Open Locator Sheet.

Click 'Open Locator Sheet'

Adding Mobile Numbers

Google Sheets often interprets the + symbol used for country codes, as a formula. There are two methods to work around this. The first method is to start with a single quote ('). This tells Google Sheets to treat the following text as plain text. Enter your mobile number, including the + symbol and country code. For example, '+1559-492-4880'.

Click here

The second method is to start with an equal sign (=). This tells Google Sheets to interpret the following as a formula. Add double quotes (") around your mobile number, including the + symbol and country code. For example, "=+0850 255 25 25".

Click here

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